March 7, 2020

Lessons in Solitiude, Silence, Stillness and Selfcare
9:45 am Gather, refill your coffee cup and enjoy a light snack
10:45 -12:45 Session 1
1 pm lunch
1:45-3:45 Session 2
4 pm. Departure
Cost $40 inclusive
Our Speaker/Teacher
Marikaye Garnett is passionate about seeing women "Live, Move & have their Being" through an intimate, love relationship w/ Jesus-
As a wife of 33 blessed years of marriage, mom of 4, "Mim" to 8 fantastic grandkids, Health & Wellness advocate/ Essential Oil Educator and Certified Yoga Instructor
(through YOGA FAITH
A Christ-centered organization).
She has faced the very real challenges of finding her true identity, not in what she "does" but in who God designed & created her to "BE".
Jesus pursues, invites & even allures us into deeper places of His heart!
Will you "Come Away w/ Me, My Beloved...."?
as we share a day together reflecting, responding, rejoicing and being refreshed in His Presence through the practices of Solitude, Silence, Stillness & Self-Care.
Our hope is a resounding YES in your heart!
Come dressed comfortably and able to stretch. You’ll be shown techniques that will aide you in the days ahead and will promote wellness spiritually as well as physically!❤️
Limited seating so rsvp soon!

Watch for coming details...

In House Retreats generally begin at 10am and end at 3pm.
Cost: $50.00

A continental breakfast and full lunch are provided.
Mature speakers
personal ministry time

Reservations required
  first paid~ first served
maximum of 25


If you would like to host your retreat at Gilead's Balm please feel free to contact us!