The Balm has a quiet spot for you!  

All too often we find ourselves in a fog of weariness and confusion.  

Our way is not clear and we are discouraged.  

THAT my friend is the time when you MUST allow yourself to break away and find His Peace once again.  Whether it is sitting in a lovely garden spot or 

napping in a cozy nest, 

Gileads Blalm has been set apart, by the Lord, as a place that YOU can come.  

This is a Personal invitation ~ Come



          The Ebenezer Room : Stone of Help                                   Ellacomb Cottage suite


"Come to me, all you who are weary and stressed, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 (NIV)


A respite at Gilead's Balm will
provide you with an opportunity
to find focus once again and gain 
strength for the challenges ahead.
As you enter your "nest"
you will find your room
to be both comfortable and inviting.

You deserve to have a time
that is focused on you! Whatever you choose.....YOU choose! 
Your time is your own

Please come away before you come apart!*

 * Marnie will be readily available
to you during your stay.  She is willing to sit and listen and/or dialog with you over the hurdles and or struggles that you may currently be dealing with.

    Check in times are flexible